Eclipse for parallel application developers

Eclipse for Parallel Application Developers

Package Description

Tools for C, C++, Fortran, and UPC, including MPI, OpenMP, OpenACC, a parallel debugger, and remotely building, running and monitoring applications.

This package includes:

Detailed features list

Maintained by: Eclipse Packaging Project

Download Links

Windows 32-bit | x86_64
macOS x86_64 Linux 32-bit | x86_64 Downloaded 1,307 Times

Windows 32-bit: MD5 - SHA1
Windows 64-bit: MD5 - SHA1
Mac OS X (Cocoa) 64-bit: MD5 - SHA1
Linux 32-bit: MD5 - SHA1
Linux 64-bit: MD5 - SHA1


Open Bugs: 7
Bug IDTitleStatus
534698Harmonize package name to Eclipse IDE for . NEW
582825PTP bugNEW
493645[Welcome] Adopt Solstice theme for Parallel packageNEW
412631MPICH2-Generic-Interactive runtime not working with local connection typeNEW
400004Error 'Failed to create the Java Virtual Machine' with epp-parallel windows 32 package on Windows XPNEW
410811Parallel: sdm feature is missingNEW
384628CDT's editor behaves different in Parallel Package from CPP packageNEW
459210Non-existing LinuxTools dependencies in Parallel PackageASSIGNED

Bugs listed in italics indicate the bug has been moved to another project.

Resolved Bugs: 14
Bug IDTitleStatus
575655Parallel EPP contains unsigned binary content causing notarization on macOS to failRESOLVED
535312Parallel package is not available on developer builds download pageRESOLVED
424488Command line Mac launching does not work as beforeRESOLVED
389517Increase default heap size in parallel packageRESOLVED
361421Please update plugin_cusomization.iniRESOLVED + org.eclipse.photran.xlf missing in Indigo / staging repositoryRESOLVED
581685Fortran source files with capital letter (*.F, *.F90, etc.) will not be compiledRESOLVED
463149Parallel Package: Temporarily disable some features in Mars M6CLOSED
394328Parallel Package contains part of JDTCLOSED
347511Check for updates brokenCLOSED
389519Need to increase maximum heap size to 2GCLOSED
331589PTP would like to join EPPCLOSED
435677Add org.eclipse.remote feature to parallel packageCLOSED

Bugs listed in italics indicate the bug has been moved to another project.