Barbados National Sustainable Development Policy.

The National Sustainable Development (NSD) Policy is a product of the National Commission on Sustainable Development (NCSD). The formulation of the NSD Policy is envisaged as one component of a new approach to Sustainable Development in Barbados, one which aims to deal with individual issues from an integrated and holistic perspective. The goal is the pursuit of Sustainable Development by all sectors, groups and individuals in Barbados. The aim of the policy is to sensitize all persons about the need to make wise choices daily, at the individual, household, business, community and national levels because these choices affect our national development. This policy therefore is not intended to be a blueprint for sustainability. Rather this policy is intended to provide guidelines and a pragmatic framework that facilitates decision-making at the level where costs and benefits accrue whether it is at the national, corporate or individual level. Recognising that Sustainable Development requires the full involvement and integration of all persons into the development process; and that all forms of gender-based discrimination must be eliminated. The Commission recommends: Development of a broad gender perspective at all levels of education; The development of curricula in gender studies for all teachers; The harmonisation of legal reforms geared towards eliminating gender discrimination (19).
Terrestrial Biodiversity Including Forestry: sustainable use of terrestrial biodiversity is intended to ensure that such resources are enjoyed today as well as passed on to future generations for their benefit and enjoyment (6). The overall policy objective is to ensure sustainable use of terrestrial biodiversity in part through the implementation of a strategy which preserves, conserves and sustainably uses the island's terrestrial resources of flora and fauna. Specific objectives for sustainable fisheries management include: Sustaining or increasing the potential of marine living resources to meet national human nutritional needs, as well as social and economic development goals; Fostering the development of a sustainable fishing industry through, in part, an integrated approach to policy and decision-making concerning fisheries and coastal zone management, etc. (7).
The over-arching goal of this policy is to ensure the optimisation of the quality of life for every person by ensuring that economic growth and development does not occur to the detriment of our ecological capital. This policy examines the core concepts of Sustainable Development upon which the national definition was built and in light of which specific policy statements are made. The main objectives of this policy are: To formulate (or provide) a national definition of Sustainable Development and identify national principles for the pursuit of Sustainable Development; To provide a national framework for decision-making based on our principles of Sustainable Development; To promote principles of Sustainable Development and encourage all persons in Barbados to adopt and apply these principles in every aspect of decision-making; and to sensitise and educate all persons in Barbados about key issues and conflicts between development and environment and the need to make wise consumption and production choices.
The above mentioned objectives will be achieved by ensuring that Quality of life is endorsed as the overarching goal and that this is composed of a variety of economic, social, cultural and personal factors and is not based on income earnings or accumulated wealth alone. Bio-physical "limits to growth" are taken into consideration when decisions are made with regards to resource use. These limits include the: finite supply of some resources natural carrying capacity of ecosystems fragility and vulnerability of some ecosystems finite resilience of ecosystems to resist and recover from man's impacts limited waste assimilation capacity of the natural environment. Natural resources are not to be exploited to the extent that it inhibits the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Specific policy objectives for sustainable agriculture include: Formulating Barbados' agricultural policies through an integrated approach involving all concerned stakeholders and interest groups, with a view to ensuring sustainable domestic food production, food security and food safety.
The National Sustainable Development Policy recognises that human resources are critical to national development. Individuals must be educated and encouraged to be productive for the successful pursuit of Sustainable Development. Within this context the National Sustainable Development Policy is based on the key principles of equity, quality of life and participation, which all seek to ensure adequate, appropriate and sustained development of the country's human resources, supporting the execution of Government's programmes for poverty eradication and the provision of adequate shelter for all persons. The Commission further encourages that poverty eradication be a core priority of national economic policy (18).
The National Sustainable Development Policy recognises the importance of preparing as far as possible for and mitigating against the adverse repercussions of man-made and natural disasters. The following recommendations are made to support programmes of the Central Emergency Relief Organization and strengthening of that agency's risk assessment, disaster mitigation, management and emergency response capacity; Improving control of the development process within the island's coastal zone; Providing for rehabilitation of coastal environments and their resources, etc.

Attached files Date of text 01 Jan 2004 Publication reference Ministry of Housing, Lands and the Environment. Source language Legislation Amendment

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