You can comment, support or object to a planning application in the following ways:
Former Barrow Borough Council area
Post: Town Hall, Duke Street, Barrow in Furness LA14 9SR
Former Eden District Council area
Post: Voreda House, Portland Place, Penrith CA11 7BF
Former South Lakeland District Council area
Post: South Lakeland House, Lowther Street, Kendal LA9 4DL
Minerals and Waste planning
Post: South Lakeland House, Lowther Street, Kendal LA9 4DQ
If you send a comment online or by email, please do not send a duplicate copy by post. Electronic comments carry as much weight as written comments and we process them in the same way.
Comments must include:
If you need help in understanding the plans, please email us. We will not discuss our assessment of the proposals with you at this stage.
Planning applications are public documents and your comments, including personal details, will form part of the planning application file and are available for other people to read.
We will publish your comments on our website.
Before we do this we will remove your signature, telephone number and email address. Your name and address will not be removed. It may be possible for others to browse your name and address through online search engines.
The council has the same legal responsibilities as any other publisher when publishing comments/responses on our website. In view of this, please follow the criteria:
We may decide not publish any such comments on our website. We will not take those specified comments into account when making a decision on an application. Comments will be held on the council’s electronic filing system and will remain public documents available to view at reception on request.
Extreme examples of unacceptable observations will be returned to you.
If you wish to look at the "Working File" to view either un-redacted or unpublished comments, please contact us to arrange this. The full electronic file will then be available to view on a computer screen in our reception areas. Please note, we don't hold paper files.
We aim to publish acceptable comments on our website within 10 days of receipt.
Keep your letter short, legible and to the point.
Send your letter before the deadline date.
Local communities may wish to register their comments about a development with a petition. This is an acceptable method of communication. However, please note that the reasons for the petition (usually the front cover) will be published, but subsequent pages with signatures will not. We will include a tally of those who have signed the petition.
We are obliged to follow the requirements of the Planning Acts and assess an application in accordance with the local policies, unless there are other overriding material planning considerations.
We are required to act positively and to make planning proposals acceptable. We must also include a statement in the decision notice explaining how we have dealt with the planning application in a positive and proactive way based on seeking solutions to problems that may have arisen with the planning application.
If an application is to be heard by the planning committee you will be allowed to speak to the members about your concerns.
All decisions are published on our website.
It is your responsibility to monitor the progress of an application and to find out whether or not it is to be heard by the planning committee.
The decision may include conditions that the applicant must comply with.
There is no process for neighbours or other third parties to appeal against our decision.
Applicants may either resubmit another planning application for an alternative scheme or appeal a planning decision.